Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Children copy a lot from parents. Let us set high standards for ourselves first. We serve as important role models for them. Let us accept imperfections too. No child can be perfect. But we are taking them towards perfection. Let us walk the talk. What we preach them, let us follow also. Then children will automatically follow.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

How students lose their precious time ?

Let us discuss how the students lose their valuable time and always running for time to cover the portions in the last minute ? Pl write down your points from your experience. Anyhow, I am going to address this to you all.


After covid, students have lost their track. 18 months students did not go to school. Some surveys say, that it will take another three to five years for students to catch back the same pre covid level. No doubt, students are improving. Not upto the expected level and expected agility. But the pass percentage shown in the newspapers ? I doubt very much, whether the students have actually performed or more marks are awarded due to some political pressure. Many engg colleges reported zero pass in the last semester exams. Many less than 10 % pass. The effect of awarding more marks is reflected here. Many good mark scoring plus two students fail in engg in the first semester. This is the reality

Thursday, July 20, 2023


Parenting Style: Style in handling children is different from person to person. There are four types of parenting styles 1. Authoritarian (Autocratic) 2. Authoritative 3. Democratic 4. Laissez-Faire (Completely free type without taking any responsibility) Authoritarian: They dictate, They expect the rules should be followed. Otherwise punishments. Always high tone. Children growing under this style likely to tell more lies. Authoritative: Though they are strict, not to the level of first one. Democratic: They decide according to the situations. Some time strict, some time lenient. They listen to the children's views also before deciding. Laissez-Faire: They donot take care much. They give complete freedom to children. They don't decide or make the children to follow. First style and last style are not the right style. Mixture of Authoritative and Democratic will be better. I have to inform a lot on these styles. Either I will post an audio or post a video on this.

Monday, July 17, 2023


BOOST YOUR CHILD'S SELF ESTEEM: Kids start developing their sense of self as babies when they see themselves through their parents' eyes. Your tone of voice, your body language, and your every expression are soaked up (like a towel) or copied by your kids. Your words and actions as a parent affect their developing self-confidence more than anything else. Praising (things that were completed), however small, will make them feel proud; letting kids do things independently will make them feel capable and strong. Very differently, insulting comments or comparing a child unfavorably with another will make kids feel worthless. Avoid making loaded statements or using words as weapons. Comments like "What a stupid thing to do!" or "You act more like a baby than your little brother!" cause damage just as physical blows do. Choose your words carefully and be kind. Let your kids know that everyone makes mistakes and that you still love them, even when you don't love their behavior.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Daily reading habit ? It is very much necessary. Nowadays, students start preparing only for the tests or exams. Many almost forgot of daily reading habit. Allocate portion to be covered, not the time. Check out progress, how much student is able to cover the allocated portion. If they allocate too much, it is not possible to complete If they allocate less, they will do it very slowly. Let it be realistic For every 45 minutes, let them have a break for 10 mts of 15 mts. After viewing TV or movie in a laptop, they cannot concentrate on studies. Mind will not grasp. Let there a gap of about 30 minutes atleast

Sunday, July 9, 2023


We should teach the children how they should behave. we always pin point what is wrong. But very rarely we tell them what is right. Let us express our expectations from the child. You can tell 'Daddy wants you to do like this. you can do this easily' In many houses, the gap between parents and child in relationship is widening. The quality time spent with children is getting reduced over a period of time. Parents alone cannot be blamed for this. Lifestyle is changing fast. Parents can talk/discuss a lot with the children apart from scoring high marks, schools, portion, test etc. Definitely an improvement can be done on this.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Create an open and safe environment for your child to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Encourage active listening, validate their emotions, and provide guidance and support when needed.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Post 4: How to manage teenage children ? Part 1 1. Understand their feelings 2. Give little more freedom like a kite in your hand 3. Children should feel that you are supportive to them ( not fault finding parent) 4. Spend little more time (quality time) 5. Talk about their personal life, feelings, etc (Not advicing always whenever talking to them) 6. Should not be giving advice always. Then children will avoid talking 7. Make little interests on the things, they have interest: so that you can talk on that subject. 8. Treat them like friends 9. Make their friends as your friends 10. Make them feel responsible too. 11. Attack the issue, not the person 12. Listen to them fully. Allow them to speak out fully. 13. Do not jump into conclusions with our past experiences 14. They should not isolate themself while handling mobile phones. Handle their phones often. If they fear or refuse to hand over the phone, watch them carefully without affecting the relationship


POST 3: High Achiever Vs Low Achiever Factors determining to the above: Clarity of goals Friends Influence Family Influence Influence of teachers Environment support Too much control Too much freedom Intelligence level Emotional factor Psychological factor Writing skills Reading skills Reasoning skills Family History Physical Illness Parents having mental illness Alcoholic parent


POST 2: Present immediate challenges of every parent are: 1. Make the child to perform well in academic 2. Inculcating good habits and good behaviors Parents, my first priority is : You take care of yourself first. You are the backbone of the family. Everyone is busy with their own schedules. No one has the time to enquire about your health and take care of you. Please give importance to your self-care, both physical and mental well-being. You should manage work-life balance You should manage stress well You should manage the emotions, triggered by others You should not hesitate to take support wherever needed